Monday, June 20, 2011

A start to an exciting summer.

As the 2010 Iowa State Fair Queen I thought it would be a very neat idea to blog about all my great experiences and duties that I will be enjoying this summer. I felt that many community members, family, and friends would be able to keep up with me this way easier then via facebook, twitter, and other social networks. I want all of you to be apart of my wonderful, busy summer that is ahead of me. All of you have had a part in my life one way or another and by me doing this I feel like I am giving back to all that you guys have done for me. This summer is going to be very unforgettable. I am truly honored to represent one of the world's greatest fairs, sometimes I still become speechless when asked how it has impacted my life, words can not describe how it has. I will be traveling around the state of Iowa this summer making different appearances at county fairs, judging county fair queen contest, and much more. Each day I visit a new fair I want to blog about it. The things I will blog about will be different depending on what I am doing and special occurances that happen thoughout the day. It will be very interesting to blog about each fair because they are all going to be unique in their own way. The 2011 Iowa State Fair will be here before we all know it but for now I am going to enjoy car rides to different counties, wearing a dress and crown, seeing the state of Iowa while traveling and of course blogging to all of you.

God Bless,
2010 ISF Queen
Lacy Stevenson

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